AI Adoption in Irish Organisations | Inspire Event
AI Adoption in Irish Organisations | Inspire Event
This inspire event took place on Thursday December 7th 2023 in the fabulous EY Wavespace.
The theme of the event was AI Adoption in Ireland and we shared a snapshot of early results from the report we are developing in partnership with EY and Trinity Business School which will look behind the hype and explore where our Member Organisations are actually positioned in relation to AI.
A senior panel discussed these findings including Patrick Callinan of CarTrawler, Mary Coghlan Partner EY and Rob Battigan of Sonalake. This was followed by Round Table discussions with everyone participating (over drinks and canapés).
Some interesting points arose from the discussion:
The majority of Member Organisations are still at the discovery stage in relation to EY. They are examining use cases and/or implementing AI in one contained area to experiment and evaluate it’s effectiveness.
While most senior executives are aware of AI and it’s implications for organisations, few have put any sort of AI strategy in place yet.
While Gen AI has garnered a lot of attention, most organisations have yet to use it effectively within the business – other than at an individual level (e.g. in helping to write reports, quotes, code etc). There are significant security and accuracy concerns which will need to be addressed before any wide scale adoption occurs.
Most organisations will invest more in AI in 2024 and we will see strong demand for skilled practitioners. There will also be strong interest in upskilling staff with most companies planning to invest in courses for staff.
This was just a snapshot of some of the findings of our research to date.
Our final report AI Adoption in Ireland will be launched at an event in February 2024.