
The Data Skills Frameworks contains four training pathways designed by our member organisations to allow you to continuously advance your team’s knowledge and expertise – from Data Practitioner level all the way to Data Leadership level. Training for your team can be delivered in person or online and can be adapted and customised to your business requirements. Training is delivered by leading experts who work in the field. All four training pathways lead to exams and professional certification. 



Designed For

Busy professionals who want to add data analytics to their skillsets or to generally improve knowledge of the latest trends and applications in data and analysis of data. Suitable for full-time employees who can seamlessly incorporate the training into their working calendar. The course is suitable for professionals working in varied industries and sectors and offers a pathway to continuously advance in a data driven environment.

Why Attend

You’re seeking to upskill and become a data-driven business professional - but in a way that fits in with your busy day job.You want a dynamically delivered programme that will give you job-ready data tools and analytics skills.With small classes and expert online instruction, we’ll help you on your career journey with hands-on learning that will add to your skillset and advance your career goals.Are you ready to take on board the very latest insights into data visualisation, problem-solving and agile project delivery with graduated professional certification? Then this course is for you.

What You'll Learn

Future-Ready Cognitive Data Skills

- Critical Thinking & Problem Solving 
- Agile Project Delivery 
- Communicating with Impact 

Data & Digital Fluency Skills

- Data Preparation & Cleaning 
- Data Analysis with MS-Excel 
- Building Better Charts 


Designed For
It’s for professionals already employed in a role where they use data analysis tools to support a company’s decision-making. They might also already be involved in complex project work that requires a wide use of varied data. This course would suit full-time employees who can seamlessly incorporate the training into their working calendar. The course is suitable for people working in varied industries and sectors.
Why Attend?
You’re already at the coalface of data analysis but looking to take things to the next level and add value to your skillset. With two years of experience already under your belt, you want to upskill in key areas such as cognitive data skills with expertise in innovation and design thinking as well as soft skills such as teamwork and collaboration. You also want ‘hands-on’ learning to understand how data helps with storytelling and how to build beautiful dashboards. Sound good? Then this course, with professional certification, is for you.
What You'll Learn

Future Ready Cognitive Data Skills

- Innovation & Design Thinking 
- Teamwork & Collaboration 


Data & Digital Fluency Skills

- Storytelling with Data
- Data Analysis with MS-Power BI 
- Building Beautiful Dashboards 
- Data Modelling & Calculation 


Designed For
It’s for experienced data professionals who have already amassed a broad level of knowledge in data science. This programme is also for those who require skills in motivation and expertise in negotiation and communication at all levels.
Why Attend?

You’re fairly advanced in your career as a data scientist, architect or engineer with broad expertise – but now you’d like to drive your career forward and lead from the front. You want to finesse your future-ready cognitive data skills and develop team leading and coaching capabilities through expert instruction. You want to deepen your knowledge base in data and digital fluency with expertise in data visualisation and exploration, big data analytics and deep learning theory and practice. 

This course is for you if you are a seasoned data pro who can lead at an operational level.

What You'll Learn
Future Ready Cogntivie Data Skills

- Leading Continuous Innovation 
- Team Leading & Coaching Skills 


Data & Digital Fluency Skills
- Data Wrangling with Python 
- Data Visualization & Exploration 
- Machine Learning & Predictive Analytics 
- Big Data Analytics 
- Deep Learning Theory & Practice 
- Data Science Challenge 





Designed For
The comprehensive training is for leaders and senior managers who oversee major data projects and who can deliver data leadership in an organisation, shape culture and drive innovation.
Why Attend?

You’re already a champion of a data-driven culture! You’re part of a management group and use data to support strategic decision-making. But you want to go even further and help to enable and embed a culture of innovation in your company.You want to deepen your knowledge of strategic data leadership and governance and immerse yourself in the key areas of data ethics and digital maturity. 

If you have extensive experience in team management, then this course is for you.

What You'll Learn
Future Ready Cognitive Data Skills
- Enabling a Culture of Innovation 
- Strategic Data Leadership
- Data Governance 


Data & Digital Fluency Skills

- Data-Driven Decision Making 
- Data Ethics & Digital Maturity 
- Data Platforms & Technologies 



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On completion

All successful graduates of the Data Skills Framework will be issued with a certificate, in the form of a digital badge, from the Analytics Institute. We arrange graduation ceremonies at the end of all programmes to celebrate teh achievement of all sucessful learners. Analytics Institute certificates are an industry recognised credential.