This Technical Deep Dive Masterclass will be delivered by our member organisation, Sogeti.
"Getting Started With Data for Net Zero" will be an informative and engaging session designed to provide valuable insights into the pivotal role of data in achieving net zero commitments, making it an essential session for entry-level professionals in sustainability, sustainability SMEs, Insight & Data experts, sustainability leaders and CXOs.
As the world intensifies its efforts to combat climate change, the Paris Agreement stands as a landmark commitment to limiting global temperature rise. Achieving net zero emissions is crucial to this goal, and data plays a fundamental role in this journey.
During this webinar, Saurabh Agarwal, from Sogeti Ireland, will explore the background of the net zero concept and explain further into how data can drive significant progress towards these commitments. Moreover, Saurabh will talk about compelling customer success stories that highlight real-world examples of organizations transforming their operations for sustainability through data. These stories will provide practical lessons and inspiration for your own journey towards net zero.
Learning Outcomes
  • Benefits and challenges encountered on the path to net zero, and how data serves as a catalyst in accelerating this journey
  • The essential role of data in monitoring, reporting, and acting on emissions reduction and efficiency improvements
  • Practical insights into getting started with data for net zero, including identifying key stakeholders, assessing organizational data readiness, and integrating data strategies into net zero policies and goals.
This webinar is an invaluable opportunity to understand how data can enhance your sustainability strategies and help achieve your organization's net zero targets. Don't miss out on this chance to gain actionable insights and connect with experts in the field.
This masterclass is part of our ‘Technical Deep Dive Masterclass’ series delivered by our member organisations on a monthly basis. If you or your organisation would like to run your own masterclass for the benefit of our community, please get in touch.
Saurabh Agarwal

Saurabh Agarwal

IT Programme Delivery Manager & Sustainability Lead, Sogeti Ireland

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