Analysing and Visualising Data Effectively using Excel Pivot Tables and charts
Looking at rows and rows on a spreadsheet tells us nothing about our data. If we want to produce meaningful insights, then we must summarise it first, and one of the most effective ways to do this in Excel is by creating Pivot Tables. With just a few clicks, you can create a range of interactive tables which provide a clearer picture of what the data is saying.
You can then use pivot charts to visualise the results in a way which is easy to understand and which allows other users to slice and dice the data as they explore the results for themselves.
This masterclass will show you how to create and customise Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts in Excel, so you can get the most out of your data.
Topics Covered: 
  • Excel pivot Tables
    • Designing and customising layouts
    • Interactive tables using slicers and timelines
    • Using Format as Table for more effective Refresh
  • Effective visualisation with Pivot charts
Target Audience: 
Any Excel users who want to use Excel to summarise, analyse and visualise large datasets
Yvonne Gamble

Yvonne Gamble

Data Analysis and Visualisation Specialist, Neueda Training

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