Time Series Forecasting with Python - Tech Deep Dive led by Member Organisation, Acorn Life
Join us for this Technology Deep Dive led by Jennifer Loftus, Chief Financial & Risk Officer at Acorn Life.
During this session, a range of Time Series models will be trained on publicly available Irish data on deaths. Time Series models assessed will include classical models (SARIMA), machine learning models (Random Forest Regressor, Facebook Prophet) and a deep learning model (LSTM). Python libraries explored include Pandas, Mito, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Altair, Plotly Express, Statsmodels and Sklearn.
Suitable for those interested in using Python:
  • For data manipulation
  • To analyse time series data with seasonal patterns
  • For time series forecasting
  • To build static and interactive data visualisations
This ‘Technical Deep Dive’ is one of a series delivered on a monthly basis. If you or your organisation would like to deliver a Technical Deep Dive for the benefit of our community, please contact [email protected]
Jennifer  Loftus

Jennifer Loftus

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